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  • Begin your medical or skilled trades career education right here in your neighborhood with Fortis!

    在富通移动学院, we prepare students with the education and skills they need to begin their careers in the growing fields of medical/healthcare and skilled trades.


    你想过从事医疗保健行业吗? 在十大正规赌博平台大全排行, we can prepare you for entry-level positions in a variety of healthcare careers that are essential to the well-being of our communities. Both our medical assistant and dental assistant programs provide the optimal balance of classroom, 实验室教育和实践经验,为您的新职业做好准备. 作为医疗助理或牙科助理, 你将在诊所的医生或牙医的监督下工作, 医院或其他医疗机构. 你的工作可能包括与病人一起工作的一系列职责, 到医疗办公室管理等等.

    作为一名药学专业的学生, you will follow a comprehensive curriculum designed to prepare you to work under the supervision of a pharmacist in a hospital, 诊所或零售环境. Pharmacy technicians support pharmacists in a variety of ways working with the public as well as behind the scenes.

    你可能更愿意接受培训,成为一名令人兴奋的护理人员. 作为第一响应者,护理人员处于紧急医疗保健的第一线. 熟练的临床医生,作为护理人员的职业生涯意味着没有两天是相同的. 护理人员s are trained to respond quickly to emergency situations regarding all sorts of medical issues, 创伤和事故现场. 护理人员可能为当地市政当局或私人组织工作. 如果你正在寻找一个令人兴奋和不断变化的医疗保健职业, 护理人员的工作可能很适合你.

    有一件事是肯定的, 随着医疗技术的进步和人口的老龄化, 对熟练医护人员的需求将继续增长. 这意味着那些在医疗领域受过培训和有技能的人有良好的就业前景. 在十大正规赌博平台大全排行, we prepare students with the education needed to enter a new career field with confidence.


    暖通空调的 & 富通大学移动校区的制冷十大正规赌博平台大全向学生们传授安装方法, 维护, 修复当今复杂的环境系统. 供暖越来越复杂, 通风, 预计阿拉巴马州住宅和商业设施的空调和制冷系统将增加对合格暖通空调技术人员和制冷机械师的需求. 根据美国劳工统计局的数据, 暖通空调技术人员的工作机会预计将在全国范围内增长, 尤其是那些在富通这样的认证技术学校完成培训的人.

    Students in the FORTIS 采暖,通风,空调和制冷 (制冷) program receive both hands-on and classroom training in the installation, 维护, 修理暖通空调和制冷系统,为入门级工作做好准备.

    不管你感兴趣的节目是什么, 莫比尔富通学院, 阿拉巴马州, 这里是为了让你的教育和梦想职业成为现实吗. 我们邀请您今天打Phone来安排参观.


    在我们的技术贸易十大正规赌博平台大全中, you will learn the knowledge and hands-on skills that will allow you to make a difference doing something you love to do. 我们的综合技能行业课程将传统的课堂教学与情境和实践学习经验相结合,为学生的入门级职位做好准备.

    根据美国劳工统计局的数据, 预计在未来十年,医疗保健和医疗行业的就业机会将会增加, 部分原因是我们的人口老龄化和医疗保健需求的增加. 富通提供各种医疗和保健培训计划来帮助满足这一需求.

    富通学院的牙科辅助和牙科培训课程帮助学生获得所需的技能和知识,以证明他们获得相关许可所需的能力,并开始新的职业生涯. 牙科 assistants and dental hygienists are critical members of the healthcare team and Fortis’s dental training programs can help prepare you for a new career.



    以下课程可能需要执照或认证才能获得就业. Please find your program of interest to determine if the program meets the educational requirements for licensure or 认证 in your state.